Registration fees

SFNano offers special prices for students!

Registration fees include:

Participants (from Industry or Academic) - Package All included

Please note that we have a limited number of hotel rooms at the special price(190.00€ for 2 nights + breakfast, instead of 281.80€).
  • 3 days conference package (2 lunches - Coffee Breaks included)
  • 2 nights at the Hotel Mercure, with breakfasts
  • Gala diner included

Students - Accommodation is optional

SFNano has decided to offer special prices for the students. The category "Students" is only valid for: MSc students, PhD students who have not yet defended their thesis. Please note that Post-docs are not considered as "Students".
  • For 300€: 3 days conference package (2 lunches - Coffee Breaks included)
  • Optional: Nights at the Hotel Mercure (125 €/Night in single or double occupancy), breakfasts (15.90€/breakfast)
  • Optional: Gala diner 70€

Fees and Early Bird

You have until May 1st to register at a cheaper price

Registration fees

*: regularly registered for MSc or PhD in 2017

**: Academic, non-profit organization, public, Industry

(i): Standard price is 125 €/Night in singlee or double occupancy, 15.90€/breakfast. You are free to find other accomodation elsewhere.

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