Payment info

You have to 3 options to proceed to the payment :

1/  "Online payment": you can pay with your Credit Card

2/ “Pay by purchase order”: be aware to provide the appropriate billing address.

3/  "bank transfer" or "Check": you will receive a "pre-purchase order".

  1. If this document is sufficient for your institution, send back the "pre- purchase order" with the indication of your payment and you will receive an invoice by email.
  2.  If your institution needs to issue a purchase order (available only from France) : send back the "pre-purchase order" edited by your institution to the indicated address, with the corresponding purchase order . You will receive an "invoice to pay". Once the payment is received, an invoice is sent to you by email

 Our SIRET number : 811 001 924 00018.

Click here to dowload the SFNano RIB/IBAN

Click here to download the SFNano Statut

 Your registration will be validated when payment is received




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